eSIM data in 175+ countries

Use your phone number during international travel


Stay reachable on your regular number, anywhere you travel

Select your device to see how to use your phone number during international travel …






What are the benefits of using my phone number for international travel?

1. Your friends, family, and colleagues back home will be able to reach you on your usual phone number.


2. You’ll have a working phone number to make calls and send texts while traveling, especially if you need to make/change reservations.


3. You will still be able to use your phone number to receive important notifications, like two-factor authentication texts.

How do I know if my phone has eSIM?

Is there any reason I shouldn’t use my regular phone number for international travel?

When you’re outside of your usual coverage area, most mobile carriers charge per active calling minute (10 seconds counts as one full minute), as well as for each individual text (not counting iMessages, which run over Wi-Fi or data).


Some travellers prefer to turn their regular phone number off while they’re in another country because they don’t want to be charged roaming fees for calling or texting.

Google Pixel eSIM settings (with examples)