




Unlimited data

Fáðu Costa Rica eSIM flag

Costa Rica SIM-kort sem hægt er að hlaða niður með fyrirframgreiddum gögnum

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  • Fyrirframgreidd gögn sem byrja á aðeins $9.00
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  • Heimsækir Costa Rica bráðum? Sparaðu peninga með Costa Rica eSIM (downloadable SIM card) með staðbundnum gögnum sem byrja á aðeins $9.00 á viku.
  • Fáðu ódýr gögn: Settu upp Costa Rica eSIM á símann þinn og virkjaðu gagnapakkann þinn til að njóta stöðugrar nettengingar hvar sem er í Costa Rica, án þess að þurfa Wi-Fi.
  • Borgaðu aldrei reikigjöld: AForðastu reikigjöld símafyrirtækis með því að slökkva á Gagnareiki fyrir aðal-SIM-kortið þitt eða slökkva algjörlega á aðal-SIM-kortinu þínu. Þarftu aðstoð? Við erum í boði 24/7.

Athugaðu samhæfni símans

  • Stutt netkerfi: LIBERTY COSTA RICA, Claro, Liberty
  • Væntanlegur hraði: LTE
  • Takmarkanir: Fully unthrottled dataUnlimited data
  • Gagnauppfylling í boði: Ja
  • Hotspot / Tethering: Ja
  • Auðkenni/skjöl krafist: No
  • Símanúmer: fylgir með kaupum

Costa Rica gögn í svæðisskipulagi Central America

Heimsækir þú Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama? Sæktu eitt eSIM sem virkar í öllum 6 countries.

How does eSIM work?

An eSIM is an embedded SIM card, and you probably already have an eSIM-compatible device. When you install an eSIM for a country or region, it lets your device connect to local networks in that area. This means your device will have data without needing Wi-Fi or paying roaming charges.

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Use a Costa Rica eSIM to stay connected

Costa Rica is famous for its tropical beaches and culture. It’s an idyllic destination that offers everything you need for the perfect trip.

While you’re in Costa Rica, you will want to browse online and stay connected with your friends and family back home. But how do you use your phone in Costa Rica? We’re glad you asked!

A Costa Rica eSIM will let you access local data on your mobile device, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. By using an eSIM, you can stay online even when WiFi isn’t available.


How much travel data do I need in Costa Rica?

Your data needs in Costa Rica will depend on your usage and travel plans. If you’re going to want to use GPS or Google Maps to get around, you’ll need data to power those apps.

If you’re going to want to use social media, messaging, or email to stay connected on the go, then you’ll need data for those apps, too.

While you’ll likely have Wi-Fi at your hotel or AirBNB, you’ll want to make sure your device has at least a small amount of data for when you’re out exploring. (You can make your data stretch a long way, if you’re savvy.)

That’s where a Costa Rica eSIM is super helpful. You can start with the smallest prepaid data package (1 GB) and just add more data if you need it later.


Will I pay roaming charges with a Costa Rica eSIM?

Not at all! You won’t have to pay roaming charges with a Costa Rica eSIM because it connects directly to a local network, so you’ll be using your phone “like a local.”

We’ll explain how to use your eSIM travel package and configure any eSIM settings, like making sure to switch off Data Roaming on your Primary SIM so you won’t have to pay roaming charges to your home carrier.


Costa Rica eSIM data starting at $9


Enjoy your Costa Rica vacation


Explore top Costa Rica attractions

Costa Rica is a stunning destination with so many awe-inspiring attractions. Here are some of our team’s top recommendations when you’re planning your Costa Rica trip itinerary …

Tabacon Hot Springs: Located in the north region of Costa Rica at the base of Arenal Volcano, you will experience nature, adventure, and relaxation at this luxury resort.

Manuel Antonio National Park: Home to beautiful soft-sand beaches and known as one of the best places for observing wildlife, a visit to this park is sure to be an enjoyable experience.

Central Avenue (Avenida Central): Take a stroll down Central Avenue in San José, which is the city’s commercial hub. Here you can shop till you drop, visit museums and enjoy live music in the evening.


Popular foods to try in Costa Rica

Food in Costa Rica is rich in color and flavor. Here are a few tasty recommendations …

Gallo Pinto: A brightly colored popular breakfast dish that is made of rice and local beans.

Sopa Negra: A traditional soup in Costa Rica that has fresh flavors and is typically made using beans, cilantro, veggies, and sour cream.

Patacones: These deep-fried plantains are flattened and double-fried to create a rich flavor that are often enjoyed as appetizers.


What’s the best time to visit Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is a busy tourist destination year-round, but different seasons bring travelers looking for different types of experiences … and weather!

January through April: The weather at this time of year is bright and dry, which makes it perfect for beach visits. It’s also a nice time to explore the beautiful rainforests. Don’t miss the famous National Orchid Show!

May through September: This is the lush green season in Costa Rica, when you will see more rain and fewer crowds. Limon Carnival and Independence Day are awesome festivals you can attend during this time.

October through December: A perfect time to explore the country’s wildlife in mild weather. You can also attend Santa Cruz Fiesta and other dance and music festivals while enjoying slightly cooler temperatures.


What to pack for a vacation to Costa Rica

A vacation in Costa Rica promises a mix of unique experiences, and you’ll want to have the right gear. Here are a few essentials you should pack when visiting Costa Rica …

Umbrella: Due to its tropical climate, always expect rainfall in Costa Rica and keep an umbrella handy. (You can thank us later!)

Camera: Sure, your phone has a camera. But you’ll be amazed by breathtaking views during your trip, so if you have a good-quality camera, you might want to bring it along and help preserve those memories for a lifetime.

Water shoes: These inexpensive shoes are really useful if you visit the many waterfalls and coastlines of Costa Rica, or if you plan on a kayaking or whitewater rafting adventure.

FAQs about eSIM in Costa Rica

Check your device

Most newer phones, tablets, and computers are already eSIM-compatible, so use our eSIM device checker to make sure you have a device that can accept an eSIM data plan.

Free Wi-Fi is great when it’s available and working well, but some destinations make it just about impossible to get a good connection. That’s why it’s nice to have data as a backup to stay connected.

We’re proud to provide aloSIM customers with fast eSIM data connections that allow them to talk, text, surf, and stream comfortably. You’ll likely experience a 4G (sometimes 5G) or LTE equivalent network in most locations, depending on what’s available in the area.

Installation guides

An eSIM is easy to install and activate. We have detailed eSIM installation instructions for all compatible devices, so whether you’re looking to add eSIM data to an iPhone or iPad, Google Pixel, Samsung Galaxy, or something else, we’ll be able to walk you through the eSIM set-up process easily.

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