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Fáðu British Isles eSIM

British Isles SIM-kort sem hægt er að hlaða niður með fyrirframgreiddum gögnum

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  • Fyrirframgreidd gögn sem byrja á aðeins $4.50
  • Inniheldur ókeypis alþjóðlegt símanúmer. Lærðu meira.
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  • Lönd sem studd eru: United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland
  • Heimsækir British Isles bráðum? Sparaðu peninga með British Isles eSIM (downloadable SIM card) með staðbundnum gögnum sem byrja á aðeins $4.50 á viku.
  • Fáðu ódýr gögn: Settu upp British Isles eSIM á símann þinn og virkjaðu gagnapakkann þinn til að njóta stöðugrar nettengingar hvar sem er í British Isles, án þess að þurfa Wi-Fi.
  • Borgaðu aldrei reikigjöld: AForðastu reikigjöld símafyrirtækis með því að slökkva á Gagnareiki fyrir aðal-SIM-kortið þitt eða slökkva algjörlega á aðal-SIM-kortinu þínu. Þarftu aðstoð? Við erum í boði 24/7.

Athugaðu samhæfni símans

  • Stutt netkerfi: Three Ireland (Hutchison) Limited, 3, Vodafone, EE, Vodafone UK, Meteor Mobile Communications Limited
  • Væntanlegur hraði: LTE/5G
  • Takmarkanir: Fully unthrottled dataUnlimited data
  • Gagnauppfylling í boði: Ja
  • Hotspot / Tethering: Ja
  • Auðkenni/skjöl krafist: No
  • Símanúmer: fylgir með kaupum
2 countries included
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How does eSIM work?

An eSIM is an embedded SIM card, and you probably already have an eSIM-compatible device. When you install an eSIM for a country or region, it lets your device connect to local networks in that area. This means your device will have data without needing Wi-Fi or paying roaming charges.

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Use a U.K. and Ireland eSIM to stay connected

The UK and Ireland are full of historic landmarks and scenic beauty. Known for famous cities like London and Dublin to small local towns, the UK and Ireland are worth a visit.

When travelling to this region, you won’t want to miss staying online and talking to friends and family. A UK and Ireland eSIM is the answer!

Using an eSIM will connect your mobile device with local data so you can stay connected without Wi-Fi.

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How much travel data do I need in the U.K. and Ireland?

How much data you’ll need in the UK and Ireland depends on your travel plans. Having access to data is a must if you’re planning to enjoy day trips, local attractions and walking tours. You can’t always rely on Wi-Fi!

What makes a UK and Ireland eSIM so great is that you can buy data in smaller packages and top up as you go!

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Should I buy individual eSIMs for the United Kingdom and Ireland, or a combined U.K. and Ireland eSIM?

That’s totally up to you! We offer identical pricing for our United Kingdom eSIM data packages, our Ireland eSIM data packages, and our combined U.K. and Ireland eSIM data packages.

But if you’ll be spending time in both the U.K. and Ireland, it makes sense to stick with one eSIM that works in both countries. Then you don’t have to worry about having leftover data for one country that can’t work in the other country.

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U.K. and Ireland eSIM data starting at $4.50


Enjoy your U.K. and Ireland vacation


Explore top attractions in the U.K. and Ireland

There is a lot you can explore when you travel to the UK and Ireland. Here are a few recommendations!

Central London: The options are endless when it comes to exploring London. Nevertheless, the Tower of London and Oxford Street are places you can’t miss!

The Ulster Folk Museum and Transport Museum: Located in Northern Ireland, this attraction is a historic living museum with restored buildings and structures that are over 100 years old.

Windsor Castle: Famous as one of the Royal Family’s official residences, this castle is rich in history and dates all the way back to the 11th century.

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Popular foods to try in the U.K. and Ireland

While in the UK and Ireland, don’t miss out on the traditional hearty meals locals enjoy. Here are some dishes you simply must try …

Corned Beef and Cabbage: A traditional St Patrick’s Day dish, with its balanced taste and tender corned beef. It tastes delicious any time of the year!

Irish Stew: A hearty stew made with potatoes, meat and onions that is available all across Ireland with different variations.

Bread and Butter Pudding: This classic creamy and gooey pudding is a must-try when you visit the UK!


What’s the best time to visit the U.K. and Ireland?

The UK and Ireland experience different seasons throughout the year. Each season creates many reasons to visit and everyone will find something to enjoy!

March to May: The spring season is beautiful and you can enjoy moderate temperatures. St. Patrick’s Day celebrations are also a great reason to visit during this time of year.

June to August: If you want to attend local festivals and enjoy outdoor activities, summers are a perfect time to plan a trip!

September to November: As the temperatures cool, the crowds tend to be smaller when visiting attractions and restaurants.

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What to pack for a vacation to the U.K. and Ireland

Vacations in the UK and Ireland offer a wide range of experiences. Here are some essentials you should bring along on your trip.

Passport pouch: Bringing along a pouch that safely holds your identification, cash and credit cards is important when travelling!

Light jacket: The weather can vary in different regions of Ireland and the UK, so having a light jacket will keep you prepared.

Portable USB charger: You won’t want to stress about your phone dying while you’re sightseeing, make sure to bring a USB charger along for the ride!

FAQs about eSIM for the U.K. and Ireland

Check your device

Most newer phones, tablets, and computers are already eSIM-compatible, so use our eSIM device checker to make sure you have a device that can accept an eSIM data plan.

Free Wi-Fi is great when it’s available and working well, but some destinations make it just about impossible to get a good connection. That’s why it’s nice to have data as a backup to stay connected.

We’re proud to provide aloSIM customers with fast eSIM data connections that allow them to talk, text, surf, and stream comfortably. You’ll likely experience a 4G (sometimes 5G) or LTE equivalent network in most locations, depending on what’s available in the area.

Installation guides

We have detailed eSIM installation instructions for all compatible devices, so whether you’re looking to add eSIM data to an iPhone or iPad, Google Pixel, Samsung Galaxy, or something else, we’ll be able to walk you through the eSIM set-up process easily.

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