

O2 Slovakia, s.r.o., Orange Slovensko, a.s.



Unlimited data

Fáðu Slovakia eSIM flag

Slovakia SIM-kort sem hægt er að hlaða niður með fyrirframgreiddum gögnum

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  • Fyrirframgreidd gögn sem byrja á aðeins $4.50
  • Inniheldur ókeypis alþjóðlegt símanúmer. Lærðu meira.
  • Engin óvænt gjöld eða reikigjöld
  • Heimsækir Slovakia bráðum? Sparaðu peninga með Slovakia eSIM (downloadable SIM card) með staðbundnum gögnum sem byrja á aðeins $4.50 á viku.
  • Fáðu ódýr gögn: Settu upp Slovakia eSIM á símann þinn og virkjaðu gagnapakkann þinn til að njóta stöðugrar nettengingar hvar sem er í Slovakia, án þess að þurfa Wi-Fi.
  • Borgaðu aldrei reikigjöld: AForðastu reikigjöld símafyrirtækis með því að slökkva á Gagnareiki fyrir aðal-SIM-kortið þitt eða slökkva algjörlega á aðal-SIM-kortinu þínu. Þarftu aðstoð? Við erum í boði 24/7.

Athugaðu samhæfni símans

  • Stutt netkerfi: O2 Slovakia, s.r.o., Orange Slovensko, a.s.
  • Væntanlegur hraði: LTE/5G
  • Takmarkanir: Fully unthrottled dataUnlimited data
  • Gagnauppfylling í boði: Ja
  • Hotspot / Tethering: Ja
  • Auðkenni/skjöl krafist: No
  • Símanúmer: fylgir með kaupum

Slovakia gögn í svæðisskipulagi Eastern Europe, Europe

Heimsækir þú Lithuania, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Serbia, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia? Sæktu eitt eSIM sem virkar í öllum 11 countries.

How does a Slovakia eSIM work?

An eSIM is an embedded SIM card, and you probably already have an eSIM-compatible device. When you install an eSIM for a country or region, it lets your device connect to local networks in that area. This means your device will have data without needing Wi-Fi or paying roaming charges.

Sæktu aloSIM appið

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Use a Slovakia eSIM to stay connected

Slovakia is a Central European country rich in its folk traditions and home to an impressive array of castles, caverns, wooden churches, and UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

When you travel to such a historic country, you’ll want to share your experiences and pictures with your friends and family back home.

With a Slovakia eSIM, the possibilities are endless. An eSIM lets you use local data and stay connected even when there is no available Wi-Fi.

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How much travel data do I need in Slovakia?

Your travel activities in Slovakia will determine your data needs. Once you step out of your hotel or accommodations and lose access to Wi-Fi, you’ll need data to browse, navigate, use online apps or enjoy a video call with friends.

Thanks to the flexible data plans of a Slovakia eSIM, you can easily start with a small data bundle on your mobile device and quickly upgrade whenever it’s needed.

We also have a travel data calculator to help you estimate how much data you’ll need for your trip.

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Will I pay roaming charges with an eSIM for Slovakia?

Nope, you won’t pay a penny on roaming charges! With a Slovakia eSIM, your device gets connected to a local data network, and gives you access to prepaid data throughout your trip.

Instead of worrying about roaming charges, you can relax and enjoy your trip to Slovakia!

Just make sure you turn off Data Roaming on your Primary SIM card so you won’t see charges on your next bill. Using an eSIM for data can help you save money and make sure you enjoy every moment of your trip!

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Slovakia eSIM data starting at $4.50


Enjoy your Slovakia vacation

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Explore top attractions in Slovakia

If you’re looking for unexplored locations, the Central European country of Slovakia offers breathtaking natural beauty and cultural landmarks.

Orava Castle: Perched on a high rock above the beautiful Orava River, the sight of this majestic neo-Gothic castle will send a chill down your spine!

High Tatras: If you’re looking for fun outdoor activities then Slovakia’s tallest mountain range, the High Tatras, is the perfect spot for hiking, rock climbing, and winter skiing.

Slovak Paradise National Park: Take a relaxing and scenic walk through this park’s diverse landscapes, including canyons, gorges, and underground caves. Don’t miss the Dobsina Ice Cave, a UNESCO World Heritage Site!

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Popular foods to try in Slovakia

While touring Slovakia, you can try a variety of local favorites inspired by the cultures of Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Austria.

Bryndzové Halušky: Similar to Italian gnocchi, this Slovakian national dish involves a hearty combination of sheep’s cheese, potato dumplings, and roasted bacon.

Kapuśniak/Kapustnica: This Slovakian soup is made from ingredients like sauerkraut, smoked ham, and smoked sausage, is a wintertime favorite and a must-have for Christmas!

Skalický Trdelník: A hollow, cylindrical pastry that’s produced by first grilling or baking the soft dough on a “trdlo” roller before coating it with a sugar and walnut mix.

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What’s the best time to visit Slovakia?

Whether you hope to enjoy winter sports or visit local museums and attractions, planning your trip can help you get the most out of your time in Slovakia!

March to May: With consistently mild weather and blooming trees, springtime is perfect for exploring the countryside, sightseeing and spotting local wildlife.

June to August: Summers are the peak tourist seasons and also the best time for kayaking in the many rivers or hiking along the mountain trails. If you’re a music lover, don’t miss the outdoor music festivals like Pohoda Fest.

December to February: Skiing in the snow-covered Slovakian Alps, tasting wines from local vineyards, and exploring urban Christmas markets are all best enjoyed in the winter months. In February, you can participate in conservation tours to observe lynxes, wolves, and bears!

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What to pack for a vacation to Slovakia?

Packing for Slovakia will depend on the activities you hope to enjoy while travelling. Here are a few ideas to help you get organized!

Camera: You’ll be visiting amazing cities in Slovakia that are brimming with breathtaking beauty and fascinating attractions, so make sure to capture all of your memories!

Warm Sweater: Even in the summer, Slovakia’s weather can be unpredictable due to sudden rainfall and cold evenings. A warm sweater is a great option to keep you comfy on a cool night!

Eye mask: An eye mask will help you sleep better so you’re well-rested to explore the many highlights of Slovakia!

FAQs about using a Slovakia eSIM

Check my device

Most newer phones, tablets, and computers are already eSIM-compatible, so use our eSIM device checker to make sure you have a device that can accept an eSIM.

Free Wi-Fi is great when it’s available and working well, but some destinations make it just about impossible to get a good connection. That’s why it’s nice to have data as a backup to stay connected.

We’re proud to provide aloSIM customers with fast eSIM data connections that allow them to talk, text, surf, and stream comfortably. You’ll likely experience a 4G (sometimes 5G) or LTE equivalent network in most locations, depending on what’s available in the area.

Installation guides

We have detailed eSIM installation instructions for all compatible devices, so whether you’re looking to add eSIM data to an iPhone or iPad, Google Pixel, Samsung Galaxy, or something else, we’ll be able to walk you through the eSIM set-up process easily.

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