

Tigo, Claro



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Fáðu Paraguay eSIM flag

Paraguay SIM-kort sem hægt er að hlaða niður með fyrirframgreiddum gögnum

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  • Fyrirframgreidd gögn sem byrja á aðeins $8.50
  • Inniheldur ókeypis alþjóðlegt símanúmer. Lærðu meira.
  • Engin óvænt gjöld eða reikigjöld
  • Heimsækir Paraguay bráðum? Sparaðu peninga með Paraguay eSIM (downloadable SIM card) með staðbundnum gögnum sem byrja á aðeins $8.50 á viku.
  • Fáðu ódýr gögn: Settu upp Paraguay eSIM á símann þinn og virkjaðu gagnapakkann þinn til að njóta stöðugrar nettengingar hvar sem er í Paraguay, án þess að þurfa Wi-Fi.
  • Borgaðu aldrei reikigjöld: AForðastu reikigjöld símafyrirtækis með því að slökkva á Gagnareiki fyrir aðal-SIM-kortið þitt eða slökkva algjörlega á aðal-SIM-kortinu þínu. Þarftu aðstoð? Við erum í boði 24/7.

Athugaðu samhæfni símans

  • Stutt netkerfi: Tigo, Claro
  • Væntanlegur hraði: LTE
  • Takmarkanir: Fully unthrottled dataUnlimited data
  • Gagnauppfylling í boði: Ja
  • Hotspot / Tethering: Ja
  • Auðkenni/skjöl krafist: No
  • Símanúmer: fylgir með kaupum

Paraguay gögn í svæðisskipulagi South America

Heimsækir þú Venezuela, Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Argentina? Sæktu eitt eSIM sem virkar í öllum 10 countries.

How does our Paraguay eSIM work?

An eSIM is an embedded SIM card, and you probably already have an eSIM-compatible device. When you install an eSIM for a country or region, it lets your device connect to local networks in that area. This means your device will have data without needing Wi-Fi or paying roaming charges.


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Use a Paraguay eSIM to stay connected

Despite having fewer tourists than other countries, Paraguay is a wonderful country to visit with its unexplored cultures, lush forests, and natural waterfalls.

Paraguay has an enigmatic atmosphere, making it an adventure for those seeking experiences off the beaten path. You’ll definitely want to stay in touch virtually with your friends and family while travelling.

A Paraguay eSIM will meet your needs by connecting your device to a local network at affordable rates.


How much travel data do I need in Paraguay?

Your activities will influence how much data you’ll need once you leave your accommodation and are no longer connected to Wi-Fi.

Whether you want to chat with your loved ones while enjoying the best Paraguayan cuisine, or share pictures from your many adventures with friends online, you’ll need data.

A Paraguay eSIM keeps your virtual world active and offers flexible data plans with first-rate coverage. Start with a small value plan and upgrade as needed.

We also have a travel data calculator to help you estimate how much data you’ll need for your trip.


Will I pay roaming charges with a Paraguay eSIM?

No at all. Once activated, a Paraguay eSIM connects your device to a local Paraguay network.

Your phone uses a Paraguay eSIM for mobile data, so you won’t be charged for roaming. There are no hidden charges, so relax and enjoy your trip.

Please make sure you’ve turned off Data Roaming on your primary SIM (and confirmed you aren’t enrolled in a carrier travel plan) to prevent your home carrier from adding roaming charges to your next bill.


Paraguay eSIM data starting at $8.50


Travel Paraguay with a digital SIM card


Explore top attractions in Paraguay

Paraguay has multiple locations and attractions to explore. Here are a few to get you started.

Asunción: Paraguay’s capital city is home to some of the nation’s top museums, architectural landmarks, and significant historical attractions. Situated on the banks of the Paraguay River, this city also offers scenic views.

Jesuit Missions of Trinidad and Jesus: These are two of the least visited UNESCO World Heritage Sites. At these historic colonies you can walk over centuries-old steps, explore wide courtyards, sculptures and ancient ruins.

Ciudad del Este: Known for its adventure park and waterfalls, this city serves as one of the biggest free-trade zones in the world. Don’t forget to explore the neighborhood markets around Friendship Bridge.


Popular foods to try in Paraguay

Here are some of the best foods in Paraguay that are worth a try.

Sopa Paraguaya: A traditional dish that’s a special bread made with cornmeal, which includes slices of Paraguayan cheese, copious amounts of freshly cut onions, and at least six fresh eggs.

Chipá: A mandioca (cassava) bread roll stuffed with cheese and eggs. The local markets offer a variety of flavors.

Empanadas: The most well-known empanadas in Paraguay come with a meat filling, along with several hard-boiled eggs, sauteed onion, and green pepper. Typically, cumin is used to season these tasty snacks.


What’s the best time to visit Paraguay?

Any time of year is a good time to travel to Paraguay.

March to May: As Paraguay enters autumn, temperatures start to fall. An Iguazu Falls visit during this time of year is a top attraction as there will be fewer crowds in the national park.

December to February: Celebrations and festivals are on every street corner making it one of the most delightful times to visit Paraguay.

September to November: Take a tour of the historical Jesuit sites and Pantanal Wetlands during these months with warm weather and beautiful scenery.


What to pack for a Paraguay vacation

Here are some essentials you should bring along when travelling to Paraguay.

Comfortable Walking Shoes: Bring comfy shoes with you if you’re hoping to enjoy and explore the outdoors in Paraguay.

Warm Layers: Several extra layers are recommended as the day winds down and cooler weather begins. Especially when exploring the more isolated areas and hilly terrain.

Basic Medications: It’s a good idea to bring along some basic medications as they may be hard to find while you’re travelling in different regions.

FAQs about using a Paraguay eSIM

Check my device

Most newer phones, tablets, and computers are already eSIM-compatible, so use our eSIM device checker to make sure you have a device that can accept an eSIM.

Free Wi-Fi is great when it’s available, safe, and working well, but some destinations make it just about impossible to get a good connection. That’s why it’s nice to have data as a backup to stay connected.

We’re proud to provide aloSIM customers with fast eSIM data connections that allow them to talk, text, surf, and stream comfortably. You’ll likely experience a 4G (sometimes 5G) or LTE equivalent network in most locations, depending on what’s available in the area.

Installation guides

We have detailed eSIM installation instructions for all compatible devices, so whether you’re looking to add eSIM data to an iPhone or iPad, Google Pixel, Samsung Galaxy, or something else, we’ll be able to walk you through the eSIM set-up process easily.

How to avoid roaming charges

It can be confusing to know the best roaming settings for your phone while you travel internationally, so we’ve created an easy walk-through guide to show you exactly how your phone’s roaming settings should look.

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