66e8974f4abcc-senegal eSIM


Orange Senegal



Unlimited data

Fáðu Senegal eSIM flag

Senegal SIM-kort sem hægt er að hlaða niður með fyrirframgreiddum gögnum

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  • Fyrirframgreidd gögn sem byrja á aðeins $6.50
  • Inniheldur ókeypis alþjóðlegt símanúmer. Lærðu meira.
  • Engin óvænt gjöld eða reikigjöld
  • Heimsækir Senegal bráðum? Sparaðu peninga með Senegal eSIM (downloadable SIM card) með staðbundnum gögnum sem byrja á aðeins $6.50 á viku.
  • Fáðu ódýr gögn: Settu upp Senegal eSIM á símann þinn og virkjaðu gagnapakkann þinn til að njóta stöðugrar nettengingar hvar sem er í Senegal, án þess að þurfa Wi-Fi.
  • Borgaðu aldrei reikigjöld: AForðastu reikigjöld símafyrirtækis með því að slökkva á Gagnareiki fyrir aðal-SIM-kortið þitt eða slökkva algjörlega á aðal-SIM-kortinu þínu. Þarftu aðstoð? Við erum í boði 24/7.

Athugaðu samhæfni símans

  • Stutt netkerfi: Orange Senegal
  • Væntanlegur hraði: LTE
  • Takmarkanir: Fully unthrottled dataUnlimited data
  • Gagnauppfylling í boði: Ja
  • Hotspot / Tethering: Ja
  • Auðkenni/skjöl krafist: No
  • Símanúmer: fylgir með kaupum

Sæktu aloSIM appið


Why do I need a Senegal eSIM?

When you’re visiting Senegal, it’s handy to have local data anywhere you go … and never have to worry about Wi-Fi.

Driving directions and maps? Your eSIM will provide fast, reliable data to make sure you always know where you’re going in Senegal.

Messaging, video calls, and social media? Having a Senegal eSIM installed on your phone will mean you can always stay connected with a fast internet connection.


How much Senegal data do I need?

The amount of data you’ll need in Senegal depends on how often you’ll be using an internet connection.

If you’re out and about, exploring new places, you might not be able to snag a free Wi-Fi connection very often.

If you’re not sure how much data you’ll need for your Senegal vacation, feel free to start with a small package (1GB for seven days) and you can always top up if you need more data.


Prepaid data for anywhere in Senegal


FAQs about our Senegal eSIM

Can my phone support eSIM?

Most newer phones and tablets already support the installation of an eSIM (downloadable SIM cards). If you’re visiting Senegal and you’d like to have affordable, fully prepaid data, check your phone and see if it’s compatible with a Senegal eSIM.

View plans

Wi-Fi in Senegal isn’t always reliable, depending on where you’ll be spending your time.

And if you’re going to be travelling around Senegal, you may want a steady data connection for pulling up maps and driving directions.

We sell prepaid Senegal data packages that will provide fast, local data for your trip.

If your phone supports dual SIMs (using two different SIMs at the same time), you can use an eSIM for data while also using your primary SIM for calling and texting on your regular phone number.

(Just be sure to toggle off ‘Data Roaming’ on your primary SIM, and only use your aloSIM eSIM for mobile data while you’re away.)

We also suggest you contact your phone carrier to make sure they will not charge you a flat daily rate ($15-$25 typically) for a single call or text.

Most aloSIM data packages come with a free international phone number from our sister app, Hushed.

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