




Unlimited data

Ottieni una eSIM di Suriname flag

Carta SIM Suriname scaricabile con dati prepagati

Acquista ora
  • Dati prepagati a partire da soli $9.50
  • Include un numero di telefono internazionale gratuito. Saperne di più.
  • Nessuna tariffa a sorpresa o tariffa di roaming
  • Visiterai presto Suriname? Risparmia con una eSIM Suriname (scheda SIM scaricabile) con dati locali a partire da soli $9.50 a settimana.
  • Ottieni dati a basso costo: installa una eSIM di Suriname sul tuo telefono e attiva il tuo pacchetto dati per usufruire di una connessione Internet stabile ovunque in Suriname, senza bisogno del Wi-Fi.
  • Non pagare mai le tariffe di roaming: evita le tariffe di roaming dell'operatore disattivando il roaming dati per la tua SIM principale o disattivando completamente la SIM principale. Ho bisogno di aiuto? Siamo disponibili 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7.

Verifica la compatibilità del telefono

  • Reti supportate: Digicel
  • Velocità previste: LTE
  • Limitazioni: Fully unthrottled dataUnlimited data
  • Ricarica dati disponibile:
  • Hotspot / Tethering:
  • Documento d'identità/documentazione richiesta: No
  • Numero di telefono: Incluso con l'acquisto

Ottieni l'app aloSIM


Use a Suriname eSIM to stay connected

Suriname is well known as the smallest country, by population and size, in South America and is characterized by its over 90% territory of rainforests.

When travelling across this coastal country, you’ll probably want to stay connected to your friends and family back home to let them know about all of the things you have seen. From beautiful beaches, lush forests, and expansive hiking trails, a Suriname eSIM can help keep you in touch.

With a Suriname eSIM you’ll have access to local mobile data from Suriname carrier networks. You’ll be able to check the weather, search for tourist spots, and post all of your travel pics to your social media stories, hassle-free. 


What language do they speak in Suriname?

Due to Suriname’s colonization in the 16th century, this South American country’s official language is Dutch!

Yes you read that right. However, despite over 60% of the population speaking Dutch, Suriname is culturally very diverse, with no one ethnic group forming a majority.

Before visiting you may want to brush up on some basic Dutch phrases to better communicate with the locals. “Hallo” (hello), “Bedankt” (thank you), and “Doei” (goodbye) are a few great phrases to start learning with. 


Will I pay roaming charges with a Suriname eSIM?

You should be spending your money on traditional Suriname cuisine, not roaming charges! With a Suriname eSIM you will be connected with local carriers meaning you won’t be charged roaming fees when you get back home.

Setting up a Suriname eSIM is also a breeze with compatible devices. Freely scroll, search, and share the best parts of your trip without a hitch. 

Vai avanti… viaggia per il mondo, senza mai pagare costi di roaming
