




Consigue una eSIM para Turkey flag

Tarjeta SIM descargable de Turkey con datos prepago

Comprar ahora
  • Datos prepagos desde solo $4.50
  • Incluye un número de teléfono internacional gratuito. Aprende más.
  • Sin cargos sorpresa ni cargos por roaming
  • ¿Visitarás Turkey pronto? Ahorra dinero con una eSIM (tarjeta SIM descargable) para Turkey con datos locales a partir de solo $4.50 por semana.
  • Obtenga datos baratos: Instala una eSIM de Turkey en tu teléfono y activa tu paquete de datos para disfrutar de una conexión a Internet estable en cualquier lugar de Turkey, sin necesidad de Wi-Fi.
  • Nunca pagues cargos de roaming: Evita los cargos de roaming del operador desactivando el roaming de datos para su SIM principal o desactivando su SIM principal por completo. ¿Necesitas ayuda? Estamos disponibles 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana.

Comprueba la compatibilidad del teléfono

  • Redes soportadas: Aycell
  • Velocidades esperadas: LTE/5G
  • Limitaciones: datos totalmente ilimitados
  • Recarga de datos disponible:
  • Punto de acceso/Anclaje a red:
  • Se requiere identificación/documentación: No
  • Número de teléfono: Incluido con la compra

Datos de Turkey incluidos en el plan regional de Europe, Mediterranean

How does eSIM work?

An eSIM is an embedded SIM card, and you probably already have an eSIM-compatible device. When you install an eSIM for a country or region, it lets your device connect to local networks in that area. This means your device will have data without needing Wi-Fi or paying roaming charges.

Obtén la aplicación aloSIM


Use a Turkey eSIM to stay connected

Turkey is a country enjoyed for its beautiful countryside, warm weather, and engaging history. Known for its natural landscapes and olive groves, travelling to Turkey is sure to be one of the most memorable trips you’ll ever take!

When you’re in Turkey, you’ll want to stay connected to your friends and family back home. A Turkey eSIM is the perfect, affordable solution.

When you install a Turkey eSIM on your device, you’ll be able to connect to local data networks so you can stay online even when you don’t have access to Wi-Fi. No more roaming fees!


How much travel data do I need in Turkey?

How much data you need in Turkey depends on your travel plans and how you plan on using your devices during your stay.

If you’re planning to explore cites and attractions, you can’t always rely on Wi-Fi because you’ll be on the move. What makes a Turkey eSIM an ideal solution is its flexibility: you can buy a small data package to get started, and add more data if you need it.

(Oh, and did we mention you’ll have full access to your regular phone number the whole time? Because that’s pretty useful.)


Will I pay roaming charges with a Turkey eSIM?

Absolutely not! You won’t need to pay any roaming charges when you use a Turkey eSIM for data, instead of using your regular plan from back home.

An eSIM connects you directly to local networks internationally, and since you’re using prepaid data packages, you’ll never have any surprise fees.

(Just make sure to switch off Data Roaming on your Primary SIM, so your home carrier can’t try to connect you in Turkey and charge you roaming fees on your next bill).


Turkey eSIM data starting at $5


Enjoy your Turkey vacation


Explore top Turkey attractions

There are so many things to see and do in Turkey. Whether you’re looking to relax or have a bit of an adventure, here are a few of our team’s must-visit attractions in Turkey …

Beach Park: This scenic park is located in Antayla, which is one of the fastest-growing cities in Turkey. In this gorgeous park, you can explore beaches, waterparks and winding coastal trails.

Hagia Sophia Mosque: Located in Istanbul, this 6th century mosque is known around the world for its magnificent architecture and ornate interior. Your jaw will drop when you see the millions of sparkling gold tiles.

Belek: This small resort town located on the southern Mediterranean coast that is known for its golden beaches, picturesque views, and natural pine forests.


Popular foods to try in Turkey

Turkish food is savored around the world. Here are some dishes you won’t want to miss while you’re there …

Turkish Delight: This delicious treat (made famous in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe) combines dates, pistachios and nuts. Turkish Delight comes in many different flavors, and you can try them all!

Baklava: You’re definitely going to want to try this! Picture sweet layers of flaky pastry with finely-chopped nuts dipped in a sugary syrup. Baklava can be found on every street corner in many Turkish cities.

Turkish Apple Tea: This traditional tea will be one of the best hot drinks you’ll get to enjoy in Turkey! Available in every cafe, this sweet tea is a quintessential part of the local culture.


What’s the best time to visit Turkey?

Turkey experiences a variety of climates depending on the region and the time of year, so you can choose your own adventure based on what you’re hoping to see and do …

March through May: The weather is mild during these months and spring flowers are in full bloom. This is an ideal season to explore the beauty of Istanbul.

June through August: These are the hottest months to visit Turkey, and it tends to be less busy. The Cappadox Festival is held during this time, and it features Turkish culture and artistry.

September through November: Autumn is a good time to explore the country since there are many festivals where you can enjoy traditional music and dance, as well as local wines.


What to pack for a vacation to Turkey

When you’re packing for Turkey, here are some essentials you should bring along on your travels …

Comfortable shoes: Whether you plan to hike, shop, or stroll around town, you’re going to want a comfortable pair of shoes to prevent blisters.

Scarves: A scarf can be used to cover your head, which is mandatory for women visiting certain places in Turkey. Tuck one into your purse or day pack, so you’ll have it just in case.

Turkish Lira: When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta … pay! You will need Lira (Turkish coins) for using many public restrooms, so remember to exchange your money before your trip.

FAQs about eSIM in Turkey

Check your device

Most newer phones, tablets, and computers are already eSIM-compatible, so use our eSIM device checker to make sure you have a device that can accept an eSIM data plan.

Free Wi-Fi is great when it’s available and working well, but some destinations make it just about impossible to get a good connection. That’s why it’s nice to have data as a backup to stay connected.

We’re proud to provide aloSIM customers with fast eSIM data connections that allow them to talk, text, surf, and stream comfortably. You’ll likely experience a 4G (sometimes 5G) or LTE equivalent network in most locations, depending on what’s available in the area.

Installation guides

An eSIM is easy to install and activate. We have detailed eSIM installation instructions for all compatible devices, so whether you’re looking to add eSIM data to an iPhone or iPad, Google Pixel, Samsung Galaxy, or something else, we’ll be able to walk you through the eSIM set-up process easily.

Enjoy Turkey with aloSIM data



Our eSIM data packages are prepaid, so you always know exactly what you’ll spend on data. No contracts, no surprises, and never any roaming charges.



You’ll have full access to your regular phone number for calling and texting, and you can add data to your device whenever you need it. No in-store visits required!

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Only buy what you need! If you’re not sure how much data you’ll need, start with a 1 GB package. You can always top up your eSIM with more data later.

Adelante… viaja por el mundo, nunca pagues cargos de roaming
