




एक Mexico eSIM प्राप्त करें flag

प्रीपेड डेटा के साथ डाउनलोड करने योग्य Mexico सिम कार्ड

अभी खरीदें
  • प्रीपेड डेटा मात्र $6.00 से शुरू
  • एक निःशुल्क अंतर्राष्ट्रीय फ़ोन नंबर शामिल है।. अधिक जानकारी।
  • कोई आश्चर्य शुल्क या रोमिंग शुल्क नहीं
  • जल्द ही Mexico पर जा रहे हैं? केवल $6.00 प्रति सप्ताह से शुरू होने वाले स्थानीय डेटा के साथ एक Mexico eSIM (डाउनलोड करने योग्य सिम कार्ड) से पैसे बचाएं।
  • सस्ता डेटा प्राप्त करें: अपने फोन पर एक Mexico eSIM इंस्टॉल करें और वाई-फाई की आवश्यकता के बिना, Mexico में कहीं भी स्थिर इंटरनेट कनेक्शन का आनंद लेने के लिए अपने डेटा पैकेज को सक्रिय करें।
  • कभी भी रोमिंग शुल्क का भुगतान न करें: अपने प्राथमिक सिम के लिए डेटा रोमिंग को बंद करके या अपने प्राथमिक सिम को पूरी तरह से बंद करके वाहक रोमिंग शुल्क से बचें। मदद की ज़रूरत है? हम 24/7 उपलब्ध हैं।

फ़ोन अनुकूलता की जाँच करें

  • समर्थित नेटवर्क: Telcel
  • अपेक्षित गति: LTE
  • सीमाएँ: पूरी तरह से अनियंत्रित डेटा
  • डेटा टॉप-अप उपलब्ध है: हाँ
  • हॉटस्पॉट / टेथरिंग: हाँ
  • आईडी/दस्तावेज़ आवश्यक है: नहीं
  • फ़ोन नंबर: अधिकांश खरीदारी में शामिल है

Mexico डेटा North America क्षेत्रीय योजना में शामिल है

Visiting Mexico, Canada, and the United States? Download one eSIM that works in all three countries.

How does eSIM work?

An eSIM is an embedded SIM card, and you probably already have an eSIM-compatible device. When you install an eSIM for a country or region, it lets your device connect to local networks in that area. This means your device will have data without needing Wi-Fi or paying roaming charges.

aloSIM ऐप प्राप्त करें और अपना निःशुल्क फ़ोन नंबर चुनें


Use a Mexico eSIM to stay connected

With beautiful weather, hot sandy beaches, and stunning World Heritage sites to explore, Mexico is alive with culture and magic.

When you’re visiting Mexico, you’ll want to stay connected to family and friends back home. That’s where a Mexico eSIM comes in handy! It will give your phone local data to keep you online when there isn’t Wi-Fi.


How much travel data do I need in Mexico?

How much data you’ll need in Mexico will depend on a few factors. Consider the Wi-Fi situation where you’ll be staying, and how much time you’ll be spending there.

Will you be traveling around nearby areas on day trips or overnight adventures where there won’t be available Wi-Fi?

The great thing about eSIM data is that you can start with a small data package, and easily add more travel data if you need it.


Will I pay roaming charges with a Mexico eSIM?

Nope, not a penny in roaming charges!

When you’re using a Mexico eSIM for travel data, you’re telling your device NOT to “roam” to try to find its own network. Your Mexico eSIM will directly connect your device to a local network in Mexico, giving you prepaid data to use during your trip.

(Make sure to have Data Roaming switched off for your Primary SIM, which prevents your home carrier from adding roaming charges to your next bill).


Mexico eSIM data starting at $10


Enjoy your Mexico vacation


Explore top attractions in Mexico

There’s so much to see and do in Mexico, so plan ahead to make sure you have time to explore properly and take in all the sights.

La Quebrada Cliff divers: Since 1934, Acapulco divers have been astonishing crowds by leaping into the air and diving 137 feet into a shallow inlet.

Palenque: This famous Maya city dates back from the seventh century, and visitors can check out carvings, sculptures, and architecture.

Playa del Carmen: A short swim offshore, you can explore the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef while scuba-diving or snorkeling.


Popular foods to try in Mexico

With mouth-watering flavors, crisp veggies, and ooey-gooey cheeses, you’ll be dreaming about the food in Mexico long after you’re back at home.

Tostados: These fried tortillas form delicious edible bowls, usually filled with meat, cheese, veggies, and garnishes. Mmmm!

Chilaquiles: A hearty Mexican breakfast might feature this concoction made from fried tortilla, eggs, cheese, and chicken.

Tacos: You might make tacos at home, but you’ve got to try the real deal in Mexico since it’s one of the most popular street cuisines.


What’s the best time to visit Mexico?

While it’s always fun to go to Mexico, you might enjoy your trip even more during specific times of the year (depending on the kind of vacation you’d like).

April and May: If you’re nervous about it being too hot, you’ll want to go during the spring’s comfortable temperatures (high 60s and low 70s).

September and October: These tend to be less the crowded months to visit Mexico, if you’re looking for wide-open beaches and privacy.

June, July, and August: While these are the busiest months for Mexico, there’s an excitement in the air and fun holidays like the Guelaguetza festival.


What to pack for a Mexico vacation

Packing for Mexico means you’re one step closer to sinking your toes into the hot sand, so make sure you have everything you need for warm weather.

Sunscreen: It might not be possible to get your preferred brand in Mexico, so pack travel sizes (until 50ml) of your favorite sunscreen.

Bathing suits: They don’t take up much room, so pack more than one if you can. Then you’ll always have a dry one ready for the beach.

Filtration water bottle: These handy inventions can filter 99.9999% of contaminants from local drinking water, so you can stay hydrated without worry.

FAQs about eSIM in Mexico

Check your device

Most newer phones, tablets, and computers are already eSIM-compatible, so use our eSIM device checker to make sure you have a device that can accept an eSIM data plan.

Free Wi-Fi is great when it’s available and working well, but some destinations make it just about impossible to get a good connection. That’s why it’s nice to have data as a backup to stay connected.

We’re proud to provide aloSIM customers with fast eSIM data connections that allow them to talk, text, surf, and stream comfortably. You’ll likely experience a 4G (sometimes 5G) or LTE equivalent network in most locations, depending on what’s available in the area.

Installation guides

We have detailed eSIM installation instructions for all compatible devices, so whether you’re looking to add eSIM data to an iPhone or iPad, Google Pixel, Samsung Galaxy, or something else, we’ll be able to walk you through the eSIM set-up process easily.

आगे बढ़ो … दुनिया की सैर करो, कभी भी रोमिंग शुल्क न चुकाओ।
