How much travel data do you need?
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Minutes per day 0Minutes per week 0Estimated daily data usage 0 GBEstimated weekly data usage 0 GB
Minutes per day 0Minutes per week 0Estimated daily data usage 0 GBEstimated weekly data usage 0 GB
Minutes per day 0Minutes per week 0Estimated daily data usage 0 GBEstimated weekly data usage 0 GB
Texts per day 0Texts per week 0Estimated daily data usage 0 GBEstimated weekly data usage 0 GB
Minutes per day 0Minutes per week 0Estimated daily data usage 0 GBEstimated weekly data usage 0 GB
Emails per day 0Emails per week 0Estimated daily data usage 0 GBEstimated weekly data usage 0 GB
Minutes per day 0Minutes per week 0Estimated daily data usage 0 GBEstimated weekly data usage 0 GB
Minutes per day 0Minutes per week 0Estimated daily data usage 0 GBEstimated weekly data usage 0 GB
Minutes per day 0Minutes per week 0Estimated daily data usage 0 GBEstimated weekly data usage 0 GB
Minutes per day 0Minutes per week 0Estimated daily data usage 0 GBEstimated weekly data usage 0 GB
Total estimated data usage
Daily0 GB
Weekly0 GB
Monthly0 GB
Simple text emails might be as small as 10 KB, but larger emails with attachments, embedded photos, logos, and flashy signatures could use as much as 10 MB of data.
Many professionals receive an average of 120 emails per day, and send an average of 40 emails a day, but not everyone keeps up with that volume while they’re on vacation. (And if they do, we expect some of their remote work is done over a Wi-Fi connection.)
If you’re planning on checking email while traveling, it’s safe to estimate you’ll use about 0.0003 GB for every email you open. So you could open 100 emails a day for a full week on vacation, and you’d probably only use about 0.2 GB of your travel data package.
VoIP calls are phone calls that take place over an internet connection, using apps like FaceTime Audio and Hushed. These calls use between 0.009 GB and 0.02 GB of data for an hour-long phone conversation.
Video calls use different amounts of data, but the average video call will use about 0.014 GB per minute (0.84 GB per hour).
How much data does a Skype video call use?
If you’re using eSIM data for a Skype video call, you can expect to use about 0.004 GB per minute (or 0.24 GB for an hour-long video call on Skype).
How much data does a FaceTime video call use?
If you’re using eSIM data for a FaceTime video call, you can expect to use about 0.003 GB per minute (or 0.18 GB for an hour-long video call on FaceTime).
How much data does a Zoom video call use?
If you’re using eSIM data for a Zoom video call, you can expect to use about 0.008 GB per minute (or 0.5 GB for an hour-long video call on FaceTime).
How much data does a Google Meet video call use?
Google Meet uses more data than most video calling platforms because of their HD &720p) video quality settings. You may use as much as 0.04 GB of eSIM data per minute (or 2.4 GB for an hour) during a Google Meet video call.
How much data does a Facebook Messenger video call use?
If you’re using eSIM data for a Facebook Messenger video call, you can expect to use about 0.015 GB per minute (or 0.9 GB for an hour-long video call on Messenger).
Since a standard text (known as an “SMS,” for Short Message Service) is connected to a phone number, you won’t have to worry about using up your eSIM data on texting. That’s all part of your regular phone plan, and you can still text while using an eSIM.
However, many people also “text” by sending messages using apps like Hushed. These messages use a very small amount of data, even if you’re sending audio clips, videos, and gifs. Depending on the content, these messages can each require between 0.0017 GB and 0.0037 GB of data.
iPad and iPhone users can send and receive iMessages free over any Wi-Fi or data connection. A text-only iMessage will use just a tiny fraction of a megabyte, and you could send thousands without putting a dent in your eSIM travel data usage.
Since most websites are designed to load quickly and efficiently, it doesn’t take very much data to browse the internet.
You can expect to use between 0.0045 GB and 0.015 GB for a full hour of internet browsing.
To use up a full gig of data, you’d need to browse 66-220 hours. That’s a whole lot of Googling to see which other movies that familiar-looking actor has been in!
Social media platforms all use different amounts of data, depending on the platform and if you’re accessing it via an app or within a browser.
How much data does TikTok use?
Since TikTok is exclusively a video platform, it’s like being on a video call – except more data-intensive, since each video is short and new ones are loaded up constantly. On average, scrolling on TikTok for a full hour will use close to 1 GB of data. If you want to use less data on TikTok – and you don’t mind compromising on video quality – turn on Data Saving Mode to watch your favorite TikToks while using less data.
How much data does Facebook use?
As one of the original social media platforms, Facebook can run on a relatively small amount of data. You can expect to use about 0.1 GB of data if you spend a full hour on Facebook – and let’s face it, nobody spends a full hour on Facebook anymore.
How much data does Instagram use?
Since Facebook and Instagram are owned by Meta, it’s not surprising that both social media apps use about the same amount of data. Instagram uses about 0.1 GB of data per hour, possibly a little more if you’re exclusively looking at Reels (since Reels are basically TikToks, and the TikTok app uses almost 10 times this much data in an hour).
How much data does Snapchat use?
Snapchat uses less data than many other social media apps, so an hour on Snapchat will only use about 0.06 GB of data. Since most Snapchat users spend less than 15 minutes on the app during their check-ins, you can count on using about 0.015 GB of data during a 15-minute Snapchat session.
How much data does Twitter use?
Twitter uses the least data of any social media platform, since it’s primarily text-based and loads quickly. You can expect to use about 0.004 GB of data for a full hour of Twitter activity.
Streaming video is one of the easiest ways to burn through mobile data, especially if you’re streaming HD without a Wi-Fi connection. That’s because these platforms intend for video to be streamed over a solid internet connection – not relying solely on mobile data.
Of course, you’re welcome to stream video using data – just be cautious of how long you’re watching, if you’re concerned about going over any data limits on your device. Depending on the platform, streaming video can use anywhere between 0.03 GB and 22 GB of data per hour. That’s a huge range, so let’s dive into how much data it takes to stream video from each of your favorite platforms …
How much data does Netflix use?
Watching Netflix uses around 1 GB per hour if you’re streaming video in Standard Definition, up to 3 GB per hour if you’re streaming video in High Definition, and up to 7 GB per hour if you’re watching in Ultra High Definition (4K). To use as little data as possible while streaming Netflix, go to “App Settings” then “Cellular Data Usage,” and select “Save Data.” You can also go into “Smart Downloads” and toggle off “Download Next Episode” so it doesn’t try to use your data to download episodes you may not end up watching. If you don’t want your Netflix app to use data at all – and only work if you have a Wi-Fi connection – go to “App Settings” then “Cellular Data Usage,” and select “Wi-Fi Only.”
How much data does Disney+ use?
Depending on whether you’re watching Disney+ in High Definition or Standard Definition, you’ll likely use between 1 GB and 3 GB of data per hour. So watching a two-hour movie on Disney+ could end up costing you a whopping 6 GB of data. Remember that you can adjust your Disney+ data settings by going to, hovering over your profile icon, selecting “App Settings,” choosing your preferred data usage option, then saving your choice.
How much data does Apple TV+ use?
Apple TV+ uses about 0.7 GB of data per hour if you’re watching in Standard Definition (480p). If you bump up the quality to 720p video, you’ll use 1-2.5 GB per hour. Streaming Apple TV+ in 1080p can use between 1.5 GB and 3 GB hourly.
How much data does Amazon Prime Video use?
Amazon Prime Video uses about 0.38 GB of data for an hour of streaming, if you’re watching with their “good” quality setting. If you use Amazon Prime Video’s “better” quality setting, you may use around 1.48 GB per hour. Finally, if you stream Amazon Prime Video using their “best” setting, it may take as much as 6.64 GB of data for an hour of watch-time.
How much data does Crave use?
Similar to Netflix, streaming video on Crave uses around 1 GB per hour in Standard Definition, up to 3 GB per hour in High Definition, and up to 7 GB per hour in Ultra High Definition (4K).
How much data does YouTube use?
YouTube has more video quality options than any other streaming platform, which means you have more control over your data usage if you’re willing to accept lower-quality video. Streaming a YouTube video using their lowest video quality of 144p will use between 0.03 GB and 0.09 GB of data per hour. For a middle-of-the-road experience, YouTube’s lowest HD setting (720p) requires between 1.2 GB and 2.7 GB per hour. If you want to stream YouTube using their highest video quality (4320p or 8K), expect to burn through between 9 GB and 22 GB per hour. Yikes!
When you’re streaming music over a data connection, be aware of the quality settings the app is using if you want to make sure you don’t burn through your data too quickly.
How much data does Spotify use?
If you’re streaming from Spotify using their lowest-quality setting, you’ll use about 0.09 GB per hour. A normal Spotify stream uses slightly more data, and will run you about 0.35 GB per hour. Spotify’s high streaming option uses 0.6 GB per hour, and if you’re a Spotify premium user using the highest quality setting, you’ll use about 1.2 GB per hour to stream your favorite music.
How much data does YouTube use?
Since YouTube combines video and audio, it’s definitely not the most data-conscious way to stream music. Streaming a YouTube music video using their lowest video quality of 144p will use between 0.03 GB and 0.09 GB of data per hour. YouTube’s lowest HD setting (720p) requires between 1.2 GB and 2.7 GB per hour, and YouTube’s highest video quality (4320p or 8K) uses between 9 GB and 22 GB per hour.
How much data does Apple Music use?
Unlike other music streaming services that can base their streaming on your connection speed, Apple Music delivers the same quality of stream across the board – and it will cost you about 1 GB per hour, if you’re not on Wi-Fi.
How much data does Amazon Music use?
Amazon Music doesn’t provide as many audio quality options to choose from, but you can expect that streaming will use between 0.18 GB and 1.2 GB per hour depending on your settings.
How much data does SiriusXM use?
If you stream SiriusXM at the lowest speed of 64kbps, you will use about 0.028 GB per hour of mobile data. Moving up to their 256kbps speed will mean you’re using about 0.112 GB per hour.
If you’re not careful, an online game can use up a lot of data very quickly. Just ask all those parents who were surprised by high cell phone bills after letting their child borrow their phone to play Pokémon Go. 😉 But online games don’t all use the same amount of data, so let’s explore how much data you’ll use playing some of the most popular online games …
How much data does Pokémon Go use?
Depending on how you’re playing, Pokémon Go can use as little as 0.003 GB of data per hour, and as much as 0.025 GB per hour. Even at the higher data rate, you’d still be able to play Pokémon Go for about 40 hours using a single gig of eSIM data. So go ahead and put a 1 GB eSIM data package on your kid’s phone, and let them loose in the neighborhood.
How much data does PUBG Mobile use?
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (better known as PUBG) is a battle royale video game game with the distinction of being the most-played mobile video game of all time. The average PUBG Mobile player uses between 0.04 GB and 0.12 GB of data for an hour of online game-play.
How much data does Fortnite use?
If you’re playing Fortnite over mobile data, expect to burn through about 0.1 GB of data per hour. (And don’t forget to thank the bus driver.)
How much data does Microsoft Flight Simulator use?
It might be cheaper to buy a real-life airline ticket than to pay for the mobile data to play Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020), because an hour of game-play will use about 0.7 GB of data!
How much data does Minecraft use?
Minecraft uses less mobile data than many other online games, so you can expect to use about 0.04 GB of data per hour.
How much data does Overwatch use?
Overwatch is a popular multiplayer first-person shooter game, and if you’re playing it with mobile data, you’ll probably use about 0.16 GB of data per hour.
How much data does Dota 2 use?
Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle area, serving as a sequel to Defense of the Ancients (DotA). It uses about 0.12 GB of data per hour to play online without Wi-Fi.
How much data does League of Legends use?
If you’re playing League of Legends without Wi-Fi, expect to use about 0.045 GB of data per hour.
How much data does Call of Duty use?
The amount of mobile data you’ll use playing Call of Duty depends on which one you’re playing. Call of Duty: Warzone uses the most data, with about 0.16 GB per hour. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 uses half the amount of data, coming in at about 0.08 GB per hour. Call of Duty: World War II uses the least data, with just 0.04 GB per hour.
How much data does Destiny 2 use?
If you’re about to play Destiny 2 without Wi-Fi, your *destiny* might be to burn through as much as 0.3 GB of data per hour.
When you’re out and about (especially in a new place), a virtual map can be a lifesaver – getting you where you need to go smoothly, on the fastest possible route. Just make sure you have enough mobile data to power your favorite maps app!
How much data does Google Maps use?
Google Maps uses a surprisingly small amount of mobile data, given that it populates such detailed maps using mobile data. You can expect Google Maps to use between 0.003 GB and 0.005 GB of data per hour. (So if you only have a 1 GB data package, you could listen to driving directions for close to 350 hours before you reach your data limit. (And we really hope you’re not driving for that long.)
How much data does Apple Maps use?
Most people can’t tell Apple Maps apart from Google Maps – they just tap on the first mapping app they see, and go from there. But Apple Maps actually uses about two times as much data as Google Maps, just for delivering the same results. Apple Maps uses about 0.006 GB of data per hour of GPS navigation. However, if you’re an iPhone user, you’ll probably notice that Apple Maps uses less battery power than Google Maps (if that’s important to you, on your journey).
If you’re out and about, don’t be nervous about downloading an app over data instead of Wi-Fi. Depending on the app, it will probably use about 0.04 GB of mobile data to complete the download. That means you could download about 25 apps over data before hitting 1 GB in data usage.
How much aloSIM data do I have remaining?
To check the data balance remaining on your aloSIM data package, open aloSIM, and select “My eSIMs” to check the balance remaining on an eSIM card.
How much data is my iPhone using?
To look up your current data usage on an iPhone, go to “Settings” then “Cellular” (or “Mobile Data”) and scroll down to see how much data each app has used during the current period. You can also use less data by toggling off which apps are allowed to use your cellular data connection. If you really want to use as little data as possible, toggle off everything that isn’t essential to have on 24/7 – and you can use those other apps only when you’re on Wi-Fi.
How much data is my Android phone using?
To check out how much data your phone is using (and which apps are using the most data), go “Settings,” then “Network & internet,” then “Data usage.” Under “Mobile,” you should see your total data usage for various time periods. Some Android phones will let you set data limits, so you’ll get warnings if you hit a certain amount of data. These warnings can be helpful in avoiding extra data charges on your next mobile bill.
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